How and when are we consulting stakeholders? (indicative timeline)
Pre-scoping engagement
Local authority engagement - Wales and England
Community introduction to project - what, where, when,
Consultation process - Anglesey, North Wales coast, Wirral/Liverpool, Lancashire coast.
Formal engagement for DCO submission
Scoping report published and public information day
Scoping opinion received from Planning Inspectorate
Publication of Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)
Commence phase 1 community consultation
Ongoing engagement with community and stakeholders on refinement of project options
Commence phase 2 community consultation
Publish preliminary environmental impact report (PEIR) for consultation
DCO submission
Formal submission of documents (October 2023)
Public consultation
Working groups established through local authorities
Sector specific fora e.g. maritime engagement forum
Managed by ESIA contractor
Fisheries groups
Managed by CFLO and NFFO
Ferries and shipping
Managed through maritime forum
Government and regulatory engagement
National and local government
Regulatory agencies
Other statutory consultees